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Christ the King Evangelical Lutheran Church invites you to a monthly environmental education web
meeting series whose theme in 2021 is Healthy Planet = Healthy People = Healthy Economy.






Steve Stelzer, Program Director, Houston Green Building Resource Center


Being Healthy in a Toxifying World
Sunday, January 31, 6 p.m., online

In January, join Steve Stelzer, Program Director at the Houston Green Building Resource Center, as he discusses the many paradoxes we face as global citizens regarding staying healthy in a world where business insists on dumping toxic wastes into our air and water supply. Without getting too gloomy about it, Steve will also discuss options for actually doing something about the problem. Spoiler alert: “Superman’s Not Coming”. Meanwhile, it seems we might be reaching a critical mass to turn this around.

Please register for this talk on www.eventbrite.com. Contact Lisa Brenskelle at gcs.lrc@gmail.com with any questions.