Interfaith Relations and Community Partnerships (IRCP) is at the heart of our work. This department offers a variety of opportunities for interfaith education, dialogue, and service.
You can support this work here.
During COVID-19, IRCP has connected the community in a variety of ways:
- Weekly COVID-19 briefings for faith leaders co-hosted by IM, with leadership from IRCP, and the Greater Houston Partnership with presentations by Mayor Sylvester Turner, Harris County Lina Hidalgo, and top medical, office of emergency management and public health officials
- Virtual Dinner Dialogues to unite people of different faiths and backgrounds to discover common ground during challenging times
- Virtual interfaith educational programming, including Faith in our City, on different faith traditions
- Virtual interfaith vigils offering hope and strength to our diverse communities
- Virtual Vital Conversations with our Community on racial injustice, civil rights, struggle for a just society, how to be an ally with marginalized communities, and more
- Webinars for faith leaders on how to help congregants through these anxious times
- Mindful Mondays, a moment of prayer each week