Finding Sabbath in Nature Interfaith Mini-Retreat
November 11, 2023 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Japanese Garden at Hermann Park, photo by Patrick Talley
Finding Sabbath in Nature Interfaith Mini-Retreat
Hermann Park
As daylight ebbs and temperatures cool, the natural world is preparing for its own upcoming time of rest and renewal. What does nature teach us about preparing for a period of rest, or sabbath? What can we learn from the plants, critters and creatures in our own sacred landscapes about being present and open to the sabbath gifts of slowness, spaciousness, rest, renewal and restoration? People of all faiths and spiritual traditions, including those who are spiritual but not religious, are invited to a time of guided sabbath rest in Hermann Park. Learn practices to nourish your spirit at any time of the year. This event is for a small group and advance registration is required. Specific meeting location in the park will be sent to all registrants several days prior to the event.
Register on www.eventbrite.com at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/finding-sabbath-in-nature-interfaith-mini-retreat-tickets-732330459117.
Contact Lisa Brenskelle at gcs.lrc@gmail.com for more information.