Going Renewable at Houses of Worship! – ONLINE
September 12, 2021 3:00 pm
Does going renewable for power at your house of worship seem unattainable? In this talk, you’ll learn about a host of attractive options, from those that would add solar panels to your property, to those that have no impact on your property at all. You’ll learn about community solar projects, solar co-ops, pricing discounts available to put solar on your building’s roof, a new renewable energy power aggregation for houses of worship in the Centerpoint service area, and renewable power plans from area providers. Many of these options save you money, either right away or over time, and they help fulfill the mission of your faith community to care for the earth and its peoples. Plus, a number of these options are also available to your members or other businesses. Join Dori Wolfe, founder of Wolfe Energy, and Lisa Brenskelle, Climate Communication Coordinator for Texas Interfaith Power & Light, to learn about your options to go renewable!
Register for this event on www.eventbrite.com at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/going-renewable-at-houses-of-worship-tickets-163737323743.
Contact Lisa Brenskelle at gcs.lrc@gmail.com for more information.