Plastic Free EcoChallenge – Online
July 1, 2023 12:00 am - August 31, 2023 12:00 am
Plastic pollution now contaminates the deepest trenches in the ocean, the highest mountain peaks, and even the air we breathe. Microplastics have been found in human blood, lungs, breast milk and placentas. Plastic has entered the food chain, killing wildlife, and causing the average person to eat tens of thousands of microplastic particles every year. To learn more about this issue & take action to affect change, join one of the two teams listed below for the Plastic Free EcoChallenge (or create your own team, or join as an individual)! You select the challenges you’d like to accomplish during the month of July and when/how you do them. For more information, see this link: https://plasticfree.ecochallenge.org/. For more information on the teams below, contact Lisa Brenskelle at gcs.lrc@gmail.com.
Lutherans Restoring Creation – Gulf Coast Team: https://plasticfree.ecochallenge.org/participants/join?referral_code=3d37b6ac-7ac3-4393-b64a-559a89cff33e&team_id=lutherans-restoring-creation-gulf-coast
Interfaith Environmental Network of Houston Team: https://plasticfree.ecochallenge.org/participants/join?referral_code=d13ffa7f-49f8-4a31-a091-8b057ad7a95d&team_id=interfaith-environmental-network-of-houston