Pocket Prairies for Faith Communities – Online
March 3, 2024 3:00 pm
Jaime Gonzalez, Prairie Expert
Beth Clark Landscape Architect
What is a pocket prairie and why would you want one at your faith community? If your faith community is maintaining lawn that it does not use, join us online to learn about pocket prairies, their benefits, and how to create one. Jaime Gonzalez, prairie expert, will describe pocket prairies, how they can benefit your faith community, the larger community, and the environment. Beth Clark, Landscape Architect, will discuss how to create and maintain pocket prairies. A hands-on workshop for those faith communities interested in creating pocket prairies at their houses of worship will follow in May, with a pocket prairie planting planned for Fall 2024. Time for Q&A with the speakers will follow the talk.
Please register on www.eventbrite.com at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/pocket-prairies-for-faith-communities-tickets-805289260857.
Contact Lisa Brenskelle at gcs.lrc@gmail.com with any questions.