Summer Creation Education
August 13, 2023 9:30 am - August 27, 2023 12:00 am
Photo from a past Summer Creation Education event
Summer Creation Education
Sundays, August 13 – 27, 9:30 a.m.
Christ the King Evangelical Lutheran Church
2353 Rice Blvd., Room 204
Houston, TX 77005
Calling all kids, and interested adults, to join us on Sunday mornings in August to learn about God’s Good Creation! Each program is different, and all will be both fun and educational. Contact Lisa Brenskelle at gcs.lrc@gmail.com for more information.
Program schedule is as follows:
Sunday, August 13: Beautiful Bones
Join a paleontologist (Neal Immega) and a geologist (Inda Immega) for a kids program about fossilized bones. They will bring fossil bones and replicas and discuss how they help us interpret the fossils. You can also bring your own specimens and Neal & Inda will help identify them.
Sunday, August 20: Sea Shells
Join a Texas master naturalist (Irmi Willcockson) to learn about different sea shells. Then, create a picture using both rubbings and water color.
Sunday. August 27: Microbes in God’s World
Join a microbiologist (Terri Koehler) to learn about microbes. Bacteria, Fungi, Viruses – They are EVERYWHERE. Everyone gets colds and other infections, but did you know that most microorganisms are harmless? If fact, many of them actually help us stay healthy and enrich our environment. Come and learn about the “Good Guys” of Microbiology.