Summer Solstice Sunrise Observation
June 21, 2017 6:20 am - 7:20 am
6:20am: Sunrise Meditation and Labyrinth Walk lead by Alejandro Chaoul and Jay Stailey
Suggested donation $10, click here to make a donation ahead of time. Register here.
Celebrate sunrise on the summer solstice with a labyrinth walk on the Rothko Chapel grounds. Tilt your face toward the east and watch the sunrise on the day when the sun’s rays shine directly down on the earth’s equator. Houston labyrinth creator Jay Stailey will construct a 9-circuit Chartres labyrinth on which we can declare our intentions as we enter this new season. Begin with an intention setting meditation by Alejandro Chaoul and brief introduction to labyrinths by Jay Stailey at 6:20am, then enter the labryinths as the sun’s rays begin to light up the sky.
In observation of the Summer Solstice, the Rothko Chapel will be open from sunrise to sunset (approximately 6:20 AM-8:25 PM).