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Christ the King Evangelical Lutheran Church in Houston invites you to a monthly environmental education web meeting series whose theme in 2025 is Environmental Issues & What You Can Do.

What you can do to confront climate change
Sunday, January 26, 6 p.m. central, online

In this talk, Professor Daniel Cohan of Rice University will address how we can confront climate change from two perspectives. First, we will consider how we can cut our personal carbon footprints. Then, we will discuss the broader picture of what countries must do to confront climate change, and how actions taken now can drive down the cost of clean energy for the future. Professor Cohan will draw on lessons from his first book, Confronting Climate Gridlock, as well as from research on a book that is in progress. Time for interactive Q&A with the speaker will be provided. All registrants will get a recording of the event. +

Please register for this talk on www.eventbrite.com at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/what-you-can-do-to-confront-climate-change-tickets-1113006364999. This program will be recorded and the recording distributed to all registrants.

Contact Lisa Brenskelle at [email protected] with any questions.