“Journey of the Universe” Educational Series
University of St. Thomas 3800 Montrose Boulevard, Houston, TXChrist the King Evangelical Lutheran Church invites you to go on the Journey of the Universe. This Emmy-award winning documentary narrates the 14 billion year story of the universe's development in a way that is accessible to everyone. The film tells a comprehensive story drawing on astronomy and physics to explain the emergence of galaxies and stars, [...]
Yoga on the Plaza with Bayou Bliss Yoga
Rothko Chapel 3900 Yupon Street, Houston, TXYoga on the Plaza provides an opportunity for participants to connect with their body and breath while enjoying the calm-invoking atmosphere of the Reflecting Pool on the grounds of the Rothko Chapel. Instructors from Bayou Bliss Yoga will lead a 60-minute invigorating practice of yoga postures. This practice focuses on building strength and flexibility through [...]
(Church & Society Series) Refugee Services of Texas
St. Philip Presbyterian Church 4807 San Felipe St., Houston, TXMarch 26, 2017 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. St. Philip Presbyterian Church 4807 San Felipe St., Houston, TX Guided by the principles of human compassion and dignity, Refugee Services of Texas welcomes refugees, immigrants, and other displaced people and supports them in integrating and thriving in their new communities. RST is a social service agency [...]
Christ Church Concert Choir & Orchestra: Jubilate Deo by Dan Forrest
Christ Church Sugar Land United Methodist Church 3300 Austin Parkway, Sugar land, TexasMarch 26, 2017 6:00 p.m. Christ Church Sugar Land 3300 Austin Parkway, Sugar Land, TX 77479 Christ Church Concert Choir & Orchestra Present Jubilate Deo by Dan Forrest Lahonda Sharp, Conductor Beth McConnell, Organist Also featuring Cantate
An Act of Justice: Undoing the Legacy of Mass Incarceration Symposium
University of St. Thomas 3800 Montrose Boulevard, Houston, TXMarch 30-April 1, 2017 Presented in partnership with the Criminology, Law and Society Department at the University of St. Thomas, Houston Join the Rothko Chapel and University of St. Thomas for a three day symposium exploring the human rights issues associated with the criminal justice system in the United States. Learn more about the legacy of this [...]
Challenges and Opportunities Facing U.S.-Iran Relations
Asia Society Texas Center 1370 Southmore Blvd, Houston, TXExperts on Iran and the Muslim world share their thoughts on the future of U.S. relations with the world’s largest Shia state. The U.S.-Iran relations has recently both been strengthened and come under scrutiny. A nuclear deal between Iran and Western powers has bolstered ties and after nearly four decades of trade sanctions, lessened trade [...]
Spring 2017 Interfaith Environmental Stewardship Event
Schwartz Gazebo 5300 Dryad Drive, Houston, TXCalling people of all faiths, or no faith at all, in Houston to care for our shared environment. We will engage in hands-on environmental stewardship by mulching around plantings and repairing trails at the Willow Waterhole Conservation Reserve. This event will offer activities for all ages and skill levels, so bring the whole family, your neighbors [...]
Passover Workshop: How to Bring Justice to Your Seder
Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston (IM) - The Albert & Ethel Herzstein Building 3303 Main Street, Houston, TXAt the Passover seder, we reflect on a time when we were strangers in Egypt on a long journey to freedom. It's a powerful time to reaffirm that fighting for social justice is a moral obligation for Jews. This workshop will prepare you to begin the conversation during your Passover seder about why and how [...]
“Journey of the Universe” Educational Series
University of St. Thomas 3800 Montrose Boulevard, Houston, TXChrist the King Evangelical Lutheran Church invites you to go on the Journey of the Universe. This Emmy-award winning documentary narrates the 14 billion year story of the universe's development in a way that is accessible to everyone. The film tells a comprehensive story drawing on astronomy and physics to explain the emergence of galaxies and stars, [...]