Christ the King Evangelical Lutheran Church
Spring 2017 Interfaith Environmental Stewardship Event
Schwartz Gazebo 5300 Dryad Drive, Houston, TXCalling people of all faiths, or no faith at all, in Houston to care for our shared environment. We will engage in hands-on environmental stewardship by mulching around plantings and repairing trails at the Willow Waterhole Conservation Reserve. This event will offer activities for all ages and skill levels, so bring the whole family, your neighbors [...]
God, Us and the Rest of Creation
Christ the King Evangelical Lutheran Church (CTKELC) 2353 Rice Boulevard, Houston, TXDuring Earth Month, Christ the King Evangelical Lutheran Church invites area Christians to consider relationships as evidenced in scripture. What is God’s relationship with all creation? How is humanity invited to participate in relationship with God, and with the rest of creation? As modern people, science informs our understanding of the world around us. Can [...]
Creation Hymn Sing
Christ the King Evangelical Lutheran Church (CTKELC) 2353 Rice Boulevard, Houston, TXDuring Earth Month, Christ the King Evangelical Lutheran Church in Houston invites area Christians to gather in song on Sunday, Apr. 30 at 6 p.m. for a Creation Hymn Sing. We will celebrate and give thanks for God’s good creation in hymns and songs from various lands and traditions and hear anew the call to [...]