HOUSTON (November 21, 2019) – On Wednesday, December 4, Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston’s IMpower group will host a luncheon highlighting Media, Justice and Righting Wrongful Convictions. This thought-provoking event will be held at Interfaith Ministries’ 3303 Main headquarters from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
The luncheon will feature speakers Nicole Casarez, Communications Professor at the University of St. Thomas and Pamela Colloff, Senior Reporter for Propublica and Writer-at-Large for the New York Times Magazine. Nicole was teaching at the University of St. Thomas and Pamela was a staff writer at Texas Monthly when their lives intersected with that of Anthony Graves, a man who was wrongfully convicted of murdering a family of six. He spent 18 years in prison, with 12 of them on death row. They put a spotlight on this miscarriage of justice – they righted this wrong – and saved Anthony’s life. They continue to help the wrongfully convicted. A tour of Interfaith Ministries’ Brigitte and Bashar Kalai Plaza of Respect will immediately follow the luncheon program.
Rania Mankarious, CEO of Crime Stoppers of Houston, will be the event discussion moderator.
The host of this event, IMpower, unites a diverse group of women in dialogue and action through community events, retreats, coffee chats, and service projects to help Interfaith Ministries feed homebound seniors and disabled adults, resettle refugees, promote respect and unite volunteers and their passions with non-profits and their needs. IMpower is sponsored by Interfaith Ministries’ Interfaith Relations and Community Partnerships department.
The lead sponsors for the luncheon are Neal Manne and Nancy McGregor Manne. Chairs are Paula Sutton and Nihala Zakaria. Tickets start at $100 and tables at $1,000. For more information, please contact Jodi Bernstein at 713-533-4969 or jbernstein@imgh.org.